B2B tech purchase decision-makers have a tough job. They need to keep up with a bewildering number of technologies and approaches to solve different pain points, and navigate an evolving landscape with limited time. That’s where content marketing comes in.
What do decision-makers need most? The right information. It’s their lifeline throughout the purchase journey, from the first information gathering phase to making the final decision.
The information you provide them needs to be timely, insightful, and of high quality to help them make an informed decision that will drive return on investment (ROI). But what should this content look like? What roles do different types of content play at each stage of the process? And how is all this changing as we look ahead to 2024?
We investigated these questions in our third annual survey of B2B tech buyers. Isoline surveyed 254 senior purchase decision-makers from Europe and North America, to get a deeper understanding of how they respond to B2B tech content.