
Content Through [St]ages: A purchasing journey of phases

In the beginning…

Content is most critical in the beginning (awareness) stage of the process.

Nearly two-thirds – 61% – say the awareness stage is when they need content most, compared to 30% in the middle (consideration) stage and only 9% at the final, purchasing stage.

What became clear this year is that buyers use different content types for different reasons at each stage of the purchasing journey. At the start, they rank detailed, concise content from industry analysts as most useful -a slight shift from last year, when technical content had the edge.

It’s all in the details

Detailed content also ranks as the most useful when considering a purchase and even when a decision has been made.

Last year, tech buyers preferred technical content and insights from industry experts and analysts both in the middle (consideration)stage and final stage of the process. This reinforces the need for thought leadership content with relevant insights that show how the technology can solve real business problems.

Looking ahead

52% of B2B tech buyers predict marketing collateral will contribute to their decision-making and purchasing process significantly.

Bottom line: what do we need to know?

B2B tech decision-makers have wide-ranging content needs. What has become clear is that it needs to hit the mark to be effective.

Top findings from this year’s survey reveal:


Decision-makers are spending considerably more time researching potential suppliers than they were 12 months ago


Desktops and laptops are the main devices tech buyers use
to consume content on – and buyers consume between three and five pieces of content before contacting suppliers

Buyers Technology

Content should help buyers learn about the technology, focusing on its features and what differentiates it as well as the value and benefits it offers

Suppliers Website

B2B decision-makers most commonly use suppliers’ websites when considering a purchase, and it is one of the top ways they keep up to speed with industry content

Types of content

Case studies and blogs have re emerged as the most useful and trusted types of content, showcasing how products and services solve real business challenges


Content should not be too promotional, however, as this is what puts buyers off potential suppliers and vendors most


In a sea of content, the only thing brands have to stand out is: a) a unique take, and b) a solution that is a better fit to the pain points of customers than the next offering


Content serves different purposes at each stage of the purchasing process, but throughout the journey, buyers want detailed, concise insights from industry experts


B2B decision-makers predict marketing collateral will
contribute to their decision-making and purchasing process significantly in the last 12 months

In the high-octane world of B2B tech-buying, content will continue to play a starring role. Suppliers and content marketers that focus on meeting tech buyers’ needs at each stage of the process will come out on top.

If you’d like to discuss these survey findings or need help creating a highly effective B2B content marketing strategy, please reach out to us at

Research methodology

The survey was taken by 1,073 respondents on both mobile and desktop devices and all were based in the UK, USA France or Germany.

The study ran in September 2023.


Full time employed respondents in UK, USA, France, and Germany, with decision making authority for tech purchases.

Multi sourced approach

The different recruitment methods used alongside the supplier blend removes any potential single source bias.

Quality control

Measures in place on both a supplier and respondent level. These include Geo IP tracking and digital fingerprint checks to ensure that there is no duplication or link manipulation.