Fintech content marketing – 3 strategies with examples


In 2021, nearly 90% of Americans used some kind of Fintech app, and this number continues to grow.

With tens of thousands of companies competing in this space, standing out from the crowd has never been more critical. But you also need to make sure you’re telling customers and shareholders what they want to hear. That’s why it’s vital to implement the right content marketing strategy.

A content marketing strategy can cover many end goals, from customer acquisition to brand awareness and from specific promotions to building loyalty. You can use data-driven insights to target different demographics, points of the sales funnel, or markets with tailored, relevant content. From demonstrating sector expertise to boosting sales to lead generation, content marketing can help.

Check out these three strategies for your fintech, with some handy examples too!

1. Find your USP

If you’re telling people the same thing your competitors are saying, they won’t be interested.

Your unique selling point, or your USP, is the basis of your content marketing strategy. It’s the thing that makes you you and sets you apart from the crowd. Do you have a new product or service? Are you a world leader in fraud prevention? Do you offer exclusive benefits or returns? Find your USP and use it to generate unique content that positions you as an industry leader.

Isoline worked with our client, Pi by Paytm, to build a content campaign based on first-party data to ensure it stood out. In a crowded market with many companies trying to say the same thing, we found a content gap that allowed them to shine.

To do this, we focused on a particular pillar – promo fraud for fintechs – and used data to bring something new to the market. By pairing unique market intelligence and anonymised insights from the Pi platform, we provided a comprehensive view of this issue and created unique content for Pi.


The results exceeded expectations, in just a few weeks the report generated quality leads, was picked up by 40+ outlets and hit 168k views.

2. Give your customers value-added content

In Q1 of 2021, fintechs invested $1.2 billion in customer acquisition-focused marketing. Despite this, fintech apps had an uninstall rate of more than 35% in 2023, causing companies to lose an average of $80,000 a month on customers uninstalling their app without bringing in any revenue. Customer retention is clearly a big issue for fintech companies and one which a savvy content marketing strategy can address.

Customers expect incentives and rewards for signing up, which can make acquisition relatively straightforward. However, if customers are then uninstalling or leaving your service without using it, you are straight-up losing money. Competitors are also on the prowl, offering better deals, bigger offers, and new incentives to switch. What can you provide to ensure your customers want to stay with you, increase the CLV, and save you money?

With only 19% of Millennials considering themselves to be financially literate, there is an opportunity for fintech content marketing to position itself as a helpful educational resource. There are so many listicle pieces focusing on tips and tricks, so providing practical, applicable, in-depth articles or white papers can set you apart from the competition.

For example, Clearscore, a financial technology company that gives customers access to their credit score, added value to their offer by creating simple and personalised plans for their customers to improve their finances. Inspired by fitness apps, they make financial advice fun, interactive, and accessible.


3. Don’t be afraid to show off

Companies can sometimes forget to really sell what makes them so great, because it can almost feel obvious. But the truth is, in a competitive industry like fintech, you need to be shouting about what makes you, and specifically you, so amazing. You need to tell people not only why they should be using this platform or solution, but why they should be getting it from you.

We recently ran a banking campaign for our client, Sutherland, focused on reducing costs for financial institutions for KYC and AML checks. When financial institutions around the world are spending more than $271 billion on AML compliance globally each year, reducing these costs is a clear winner for Sutherland’s customers. We wrote a white paper they could use as a lead magnet or free resource to entice new business, demonstrating how Sutherland’s smart data flows balance compliance with CX, which in turn drives revenues.


Stand out from the crowd with content marketing

Devising the right content marketing strategy is all but essential to fintech companies that want to beat out the competition. It’s easy to slide into the mentality that your offering will speak for itself. But with such a crowded market, you need to be shouting over the other voices, and proving why you deserve to be listened to. And you need to make sure you do this in the right way.

Want to learn more about how we can help devise the right content marketing strategy for your fintech? Reach out at